Fact-Checking Policy

We take a great effort to be crystal clear and accurate with our words, headlines, and URLs, and we recognize the immense power of words and act accordingly. At all times, writers in SpaceXtian must check the information they obtain and report. This contains identifying information about the author, such as names and localities, factual claims, and anecdotes about the topic. Writers do their own fact-checking, relying on their own judgment and knowledge and according to our Code of Ethics. SpaceXtian is prepared to deploy fact-checkers both online and inside the editorial staff in appropriate instances. We are devoted to nonpartisanship, source disclosure, and financing transparency, as well as to being receptive to constructive criticism and adjustments within our organization. Before releasing the material online, we verify it with all relevant parties.

If we receive an allegation about fact-checking on our website, we immediately contact the source for clarification and supporting material. Additionally, we contact individuals and organizations that may have additional information or relevant experience regarding the subject at hand, as well as conducting research on pertinent literature (news articles, scientific and medical journal articles, books, interview transcripts, and statistical sources) that bears on the subject.

We strive to employ as many impartial information and data sources as feasible that are examined by our peers. Additionally, we advise our readers to use caution when evaluating material and statistics from sources like as political advocacy groups and partisan parties.

Depending on the nature and complexity of the issue, more research and adjustments to the authors' work may be made, and the final output will be reviewed by our editors. Any item that does not meet our standards as determined by one or more editors is subject to further modification and review prior to publication. All modifications to the material must be clearly notified to inform readers.

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